Astra Daihatsu Motor (HRIS)
Web Development

Challenge: Ineffective and uneasy-access HRIS feature on the website

Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) is a group of companies from Astra International that are involved in the automobile industry based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Previously, ADM launched WeCare, a website application that aims to maintain physical distancing in the office area and track contact history. The feature named HRIS assists ADM employees with time off requests, overtime requests, attendance tracking, examining notification letter submissions, and SKTA tracking (for employee absences). However, to access those things mentioned, ADM employees only have access via websites that have a fairly slow performance, causing issues in the development of the use of this feature. Additionally, the website can only be accessed on a desktop  and it needs VPN to access it making it less effective for the employees.

ADM wants an application that will provide easy access for their employees to manage their permission needs and is way more effective than webpages. ADM hopes that the application can be an informative medium and accessible for employees.

Solution: Creating a WeCare mobile app that fits ADM internal

Suitmedia decided to offer the solution by making the WeCare mobile app. We helped ADM by developing the WeCare mobile app which includes the HRIS feature that is more comprehensive. We supported the internal ADM in order to make it easy for them to make a time off request, overtime request, attendance tracking, and submit notification letters through a mobile app that can be accessed anytime and anywhere without requiring a long time. Suitmedia recommended this solution for more user-friendly and efficient applications. We want to ensure that the HRIS feature can be more effective than the previous version on the website.

Result: An easily accessible WeCare mobile application

After using the mobile application version, the process of collecting the data and archive become easier and more efficient. Users don’t need to access from websites with slow performance. The mobile app version helps the ADM internal team, especially the HR team, to collect employee data, make attendance requests, overtime requests, SKTA and also submit letters. Data collection becomes more effective, efficient, time-saving and more accurate. Its use is also easy and uncomplicated because it can be accessed via a smartphone so users can use it anytime and anywhere.