UX & Market Research, Web Development
Challenge: Optimizing features that provides easy-access informations related to the KPK
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi or commonly known as KPK is an organization that independently takes charge of eradicating corruption in Indonesia. Currently, KPK provides a website that is equipped with information related to corruption eradication issues and accessible for visitors or journalists. However, there are difficulties encountered in accessing information because of unorganized menus such as trial schedules, call centers, and important features that are not highlighted properly. We decided to upgrade the website so that it is more organized and well highlighted making it easier for users to access information. Furthermore, the website development is required by using the UI/UX development implementation so that KPK website can be accessed easily and conveniently by users.
Solution: We propose to upgrading the website with UX development
In order to improve the user experience of the main KPK website, we’re directing research and designing more engaging and resourceful websites for better user experiences. By developing a website that uses the latest /UX design, it will be easier for visitors to browse and seek information related to KPK with more accessible features. Due to this action, the UX development makes better communication in educating visitors about KPK with more features, conveying information to the public and becoming the leading portal in finding information related to eradicating corruption.
Result: An advanced and well-organized KPK website that is easily accessible to visitors
As a result of the UX development that we arranged, the public user and journalists can easily access the reliable information related to corruption eradication issues with more complete and comprehensive features that can be shown by the latest sitemap. UX development for the KPK website has been successfully implemented and can be accessed by the public via In addition, the user or even journalists can experience well-advanced and user-friendly website.