HIS Travel
2017 - 2018
Web Development

Challenge: How to enhance customer experience in tours & travel website

Traveling is not merely an escape for tired bodies and minds. Nowadays, traveling is considered as a lifestyle, even tends to be a premiere need for traveling junkies. Looking at the increasingly popular travel trends in Indonesia, many travel agencies offer a variety of travel packages both individual tours and group tours, one of which is H.I.S Travel Indonesia. H.I.S Travel Indonesia is the first Japanese travel agency to open an outbound business in Indonesia in 2009. Through, the website provides a variety of travel needs both airfare, hotel, tour packages and various travel products.

Due to the increasing information in the existing website, H.I.S Travel requires website development to upward the number of user while providing more seamless experience to the user.

Solution: A well-developed optimized website

Knowing that speed and efficiency are key to a good user experience in tours and travel website, we – Suitmedia and H.I.S Travel wanted to optimize speed and remove data constraints for existing and new customers, without sacrificing the user experience.

For that reason, Suitmedia and H.I.S Travel collaborated to make into Progressive Web Apps (PWA). We chose this type of web application to make the site function more reliably, independent of the network conditions so that users are still able to access the site even on a slow internet connection. The way that Progressive Web Apps work allows for faster loading times because it consumes fewer data. It also responds quickly to user interactions with silky smooth animations.

Progressive Web Apps are installable and live on the user's home screen, without the need for an app store. It offers an immersive full-screen experience and can even re-engage users with web push notifications, allowing users to get timely updates from the site and allow H.I.S Travel to effectively re-engage users with customized, relevant content.

With those enhanced customer experience on the site, has brought hassle-free experience for users. The convenience that provided on the website also makes users more engaged. Eventually, the site has successfully increased its pages/session at +16,05% in 30 days after the new website launched.